
Good Good Good

We Built a Digital Magazine for a really good Newspaper

Building a digital magazine for a newspaper that doesn’t shy away from tough topics, but infuses them with hope and action. Our brand strategy work gave us a rock-solid foundation to redefine their digital presence, culminating in a website redesign that grew monthly visitors from 700 to over 1,000,000.

Brand Strategy • Web Design
Woman reading Good Good Good newspaper
Good Good Good - Website Traffic Increase - Graph


Within 12 months, traffic exploded thanks to our new data architecture and heavy focus on accessibility, SEO, and web vitals. Within two years, organic monthly visitors increased to over 1,000,000, and it's still growing.

Good Good Good website design
Color palette

“Moon March’s empathy and understanding of mission driven companies brought us tremendous value. They understood what we were about even when we weren't fully successful at communicating it.”

Brandon Harvey

Good Good Good
Good Good Good website navigation
Good Good Good mobile web design